We are all absolutely delighted to be able to share the outcome of our very successful Ofsted inspection (March 2023) with you, and are extremely proud of the many wonderful comments which fully reflect the many strengths of our school community. We are particularly thrilled with the recognition of our pupils' exemplary behaviour and their hard working attitudes to learning. Kindness and compassion are highly valued attributes which are modelled by both adults and children, and this shone through during our inspection. The emotional wellbeing of all parties is very important to us, and we are so pleased to have it noted that 'pupils feel safe and thrive in this welcoming and nurturing school.' It's also very important to us that 'teachers are able to manage their workload well.'
As a staff team we have worked extremely hard over the last few years to embed strategies to ensure that our ambition of 'Every Child a Reader' is met. As Mrs. Winyard reports: 'pupils develop a love of reading from the word go, and older pupils are voracious readers. All pupils are reading well by the middle of Year 3.' We recognise the importance of a strong start to education, and are so pleased that Ofsted noted that 'pupils make a strong start to their education in Reception, and make strong progress from their starting points.'
The diversity of our school community is a particular strength that we are very proud of, and we know that 'a large number of pupils arrive at the school who cannot speak English. They rapidly feel at home, make lots of friends and learn to communicate confidently. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.' We believe that this is so important in order to help everyone to reach their full potential in the future.
I would like to extend a very large vote of thanks to all our parents and wider families for their hard work and support of all that we do, and also to the whole staff team for their high levels of professional commitment and expertise. Last (but definitely not least), well done to all our wonderful pupils who make our school such a fantastic place to be - well done everyone!
Read the Gazette Newspaper Article
To download a copy of our inspection report click on the link below.